Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Post 5

Something that i was thinking to write about is how she connects to all kinds of people not only Latinos because she talks about things and problems that happen to anybody no matter your ethnicity, like in the second book I'm reading My Wicked Wicked Ways she talks about guy problems, abuse and other things that anyone goes through. which is very important because they say her books are latino based but that happens to anybody and in the The House On Mango House she talks about her family not having alot of money but that happens to alot of people.

Post 4

Something i see that Sandra Cisneros does alot in the book I'm not sure if its considered symbolism but she portrates her character as this young girl growing up to a young women but she sees the world from a little girls view. she sees everything so innocent and even if the people around her happen to change she still likes the way she is I'm not sure if its cause she really sees it that way or if she refuses to see the world the way an older person would see it. She writes it in such a way that you can see were she is coming from like it doesn't irritate me tat she is acting that way and I'm sure that if i read it in another book i would be annoyed by the character.

Post 3

I'm still going to talk about The House On Mango Street but since i read it in two days im going to talk about some of my favorite chapters. One of them was A Smart Cookie, this was one of my favorite because in this chapter she talks about her mother and how she so smart and has all these different qualities to her. She writes and makes it clear that her mom is important not only to her but also to her whole family, she talks about her youth and sll her mom had to offer. Since this book is based on her latino life i think it kind off compares to mine because my mom is important to me to and even though she thought great things about her mom she still didnt have such a close relationship with her the same in my case. I giess it just might be something that happens in latino families often.

Post 2

This is one of the passages from my book that I'm reading which is The House On Mago Street. " Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man's house. Not daddy's. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias. My books and my stories. My two shoes waiting beside my bed. Nobody to shake a stick at. Nobody's garbage to pick up after. Only a house quiet as snow, a space for myself to go, clean paper before the poem" (108). This passage stuck out to me because the way she describes everything she is imagining her house will look like and how it will feel to have a house of her own. She is one of them authors that describes everything in great detail you can see it through out the book, it's also very different in her situation because she is describing something she has never seen it's all in her head so she does an even better job because the reader can also see it.
Well i finish the book in two days and i didn't really see what page i stoped at between those day, but i really like how she writes. Like when i was reading her book it was just interesting it caught my attention the way she wrote and explain everything she saw in great detail.

Friday, February 1, 2008

American Author

American Author Proposal
The author I will be doing my American author will be Sandra Cisneros. I want to read her books because I’ve heard that she is a very good writer. Many people have told me that her book House On Mango Street is very good so that’s the one I’m really interested in reading. Another thing that draws me to this author is that she is Latina so that’s very important to me. It also seems like she writes from her past experiences, and her parents were not born here and she was we that in common.
I could use this author’s work and use it in my ten-page paper because my thesis could be the influence of Latino authors and what they bring to the table. Make it based on them bringing a different kind of gender to the basic American literature. My thesis could also talk about how many authors talk about their childhood or past experiences. At the moment I’m not really clear about what exactly I would want to base my thesis but maybe as I read her books I will get some more ideas.
Sandra Cisneros to me meets the requirements of an “American” author in many ways one of them being that she was born in the United States. Another reason is that she writes in English, and has received many awards for her outstanding writing. Something that also symbolizes that she is an American author is that she has paved the way for many other writers that are from other ethnicities other then white. She has shown that it is possible to come from immigrant parents and still be considered an American author. Her wanting to show people how it feels to grow up in a country where your parents were not born and you having to live here but having to still keep your cultures traditions is hard. That ‘s what an “American” author is to me.
At this point the books I’m interested in reading are, well I’m really interested in reading all her books but my top 3 choices are House On Mango Street, Loose Women, and My Wicked Wicked Ways. These books are my top 3 choices because they are the ones that caught my eye the most. I really want to read House On Mango Street because I’ve heard it was good and it was giving a very good review on the websites I’ve being looking at. I started to read it a couple of years ago but unfortunately couldn’t finish it. The other two books I had never heard about but of all her other books they seem more interesting to read. Like Loose Women is a book of poems that talk about women and what they go through and all the experiences both good and bad that women have go through. Well its obvious I want to read this book because I’m a girl so it catches my attention. I’m also pretty drawn to poems because they are simple but go to a big statement. Last but not least I want to read My Wicked Wicked Ways, this is my last choice because it was a book that kind off caught my attention but not really but who knows it might be a good book.
My order to read these books is going to be House On Mango Street, Loose Women, and finally My Wicked Wicked Ways. I choose this order because the first two books are the books I really want to read, then the last one is more like an experiment because I had never heard of it and it’s not really of my interest but hopefully by the end of the book I will be impressed or if not I might want to change it if I think it’s boring.